

Forehead acne

Forehead Breakouts: What is your Acne Saying ab...

According to Ayurveda, different parts of our complexions are connected to specific internal organs and doshas. Like the philosophy of reflexology and acupuncture, the relationship between points on our body's surface...

Forehead Breakouts: What is your Acne Saying ab...

According to Ayurveda, different parts of our complexions are connected to specific internal organs and doshas. Like the philosophy of reflexology and acupuncture, the relationship between points on our body's surface...

face exfoliation

DOs and DON'Ts of peeling

We always get asked about exfoliation: how much, how little, how often, what types. Peeling our skin is not something we can take lightly, we must make sure we are...

DOs and DON'Ts of peeling

We always get asked about exfoliation: how much, how little, how often, what types. Peeling our skin is not something we can take lightly, we must make sure we are...

pranayama yoga

Waiting to Exhale: Pranayam you can do anywhere

Beauty isn't only about skincare.  It's about food choices, lifestyle choices and mental health. This is so hard in the modern age.  Many of us feel overwhelmed throughout the day....

Waiting to Exhale: Pranayam you can do anywhere

Beauty isn't only about skincare.  It's about food choices, lifestyle choices and mental health. This is so hard in the modern age.  Many of us feel overwhelmed throughout the day....

sun protection

Choosing The Right SPF (What you need to know)

Anyone with sunspots should try to be very careful about sun exposure, right?  Well, unfortunately being out on a hot sunny day is just so damn addictive. Is anything lovelier than...

Choosing The Right SPF (What you need to know)

Anyone with sunspots should try to be very careful about sun exposure, right?  Well, unfortunately being out on a hot sunny day is just so damn addictive. Is anything lovelier than...

eczema ayurveda solutions

Eczema Decoded Through Ayurveda

Struggling with itchy, red, frustrating eczema? We are always overwhelmed with emails, messages and in-spa inquiries about eczema. Eczema is one of the most common skin ailments we deal with and...

Eczema Decoded Through Ayurveda

Struggling with itchy, red, frustrating eczema? We are always overwhelmed with emails, messages and in-spa inquiries about eczema. Eczema is one of the most common skin ailments we deal with and...

hydrating diet

10 Foods for Increasing Skin-hydration

So many of you have THIRSTY skin.  Sometimes it seems like nothing will quench it.  Not creams, lotions or serums.  But what about internals? When we think of hydration, we...

10 Foods for Increasing Skin-hydration

So many of you have THIRSTY skin.  Sometimes it seems like nothing will quench it.  Not creams, lotions or serums.  But what about internals? When we think of hydration, we...